Interesting Ideas You Can Implement In Your Dissertation On Math

A dissertation on mathematics is composed under the same general rules as the most of the academic subjects. It means that you will use the same structure of paragraphs that includes an introduction part, a list of references, description of the methods used, data presentation, analysis, results summary and practical recommendations, conclusion part, and abstract.

Contents and format requirements also don’t differ much, but mathematical writing style has some additional features you must keep in mind while writing your work. Universities usually provide their students with the detailed guidelines regarding this. As every successful research starts from choosing the right topic and stating of an effective thesis based on the topic, you should overview the main fields of research you can work in.

Dissertation on Mathematics: Possible Fields of Study

  • Research based on some outstanding theorem or theory.
  • A comprehensive survey that will cover all the topical information – starting from the origins of the theory and ending with the latest scientific discoveries connected to it – can become a paper of great use, especially for further surveys and educational purposes.

  • Studying the heritage and contribution of prominent mathematicians.
  • You can base your dissertation either on the significance of the role this mathematician has played in the world science, or on your own scientific interests.

  • Examining the practical use of mathematics in today’s world.
  • Mathematics is crucial for many spheres of modern life, but it’s not always very obvious. This field of research is one of the most interesting ones because making a dissertation on the applied mathematics often implies experimental study.

10 Great Topic Suggestions for Inspiration

  1. The history of mathematics as a science
  2. Trialitarian algebraic groups
  3. Study of 3-isometrics
  4. Random number generators
  5. How does reliability theory make sense for the real life
  6. Euclid’s contribution in the development of mathematics
  7. Non-commutative ring extension
  8. The role of applied mathematics in modern world
  9. Comprehensive study of the analytic number theory
  10. The use of non-commutative computer algebra for modern technologies

Useful Tips for Editing Your Dissertation

Don’t edit the whole paper from beginning till end. It’s better to work gradually first, dealing with only one section at once, and only then try to read the whole document.

Proofread your work thoroughly. In addition to grammar, punctual, contextual and other common mistakes, you must also check possible mistakes in formulas, which is far harder. If you have an opportunity to consult with a colleague, it may enhance your chances to succeed. The fresh critical approach often provides great insights.

Write Your Paper

As you take more time to write your paper you can conduct thorough research which can benefit you when your paper is completed. You have time to use more sources and you can choose good data without added pressure.

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